Alex Brown
17 days ago

Gemcitabine is a nucleoside analogue used in chemotherapy. It treats cancers including testicular cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, non-small cell lung cancer, pancreatic cancer and bladder cancer. Source

CAS 95058-81-4 Gemcitabine - Nat..

Gemcitabine is a nucleoside analogue used in chemotherapy.

Amino acids are biologically important organic compounds consisting of amino (-NH2) and carboxyl (-COOH) functional groups, as well as side chains attached to each amino acid. The chemical nature of this side chain determines the unique properties of each amino acid. I find some basic amino acids charts here

Amino Acids Chart - BOC Sciences

Amino acids are biologically important organic compounds consisting of amino (-NH2) and carboxyl (-COOH) functional groups, as well as side chains attached to e..